Chula Vista CLEANs Up For Safety

Congratulations to our Chula Vista Distribution Center (DC) on their accomplishment of becoming a City of Chula Vista — CLEAN Business Participant.

Safety is a top priority for our Distribution Excellence Manager. So when she noticed the lighting in certain parts of the building were not as bright causing a safety issue for her associates, she jumped into action.
So she turned to her electric provider, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), to see if they had any recommendations. In doing so, she came across a program they offered that met her needs.
The SDG&E Business Energy Solutions Program offers businesses a no-cost energy audit that provides a detailed report of how SDG&E could help save on energy expenses. The program also offers heavily discounted energy efficient technologies and rebates. With this program, the Chula Vista DC was able to upgrade to LED lightbulbs throughout the entire facility. These were not only energy efficient, but also brighter and helped provide a safer work environment. The new lighting system was equipped with motion sensors in the office and bathroom areas, allowing them to turn off automatically when not in use, resulting in even more cost savings.
The Chula Vista DC also has a programmable thermostat, low-flow toilets, push-timed faucets and a completely new view on recycling. The DEM shared that, “All paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles are recycled. All of the cardboard from shipments is saved and reused, resulting in further decreased waste and costs.” They also only use recycled print cartridges. These measures not only lower the operating costs, but also have positive impacts on the environment.
We are proud of our associates at the Chula Vista DC. Our DEM is helping other DC’s take advantage of local programs to help lower their energy use and decrease operating costs as well. She has helped our Las Vegas DC lower their operating costs by nearly a third and is currently supporting the Tucson DC. She is an advocate for living an energy efficient life, not only at work, but also in her personal life by driving an electric car and installing solar panels on her home. Everyone should take the time to see what local incentives programs are available and what impacts they could make. Click here to see what are available in your area.

The Chula Vista CLEAN Business Program provides local participating businesses with resources and information, at no cost, on how to improve their overall energy efficiency. These improvements impact energy consumption, air quality, water conservation and waste reduction. As a Chula Vista CLEAN Business, ATD will become a member of the San Diego Regional Green Business Network.
Thank you to our team of associates at Chula Vista!